Dear Customer,
Thank you for calling Veterans Plumbing for your plumbing and drain problems. Your business is appreciated, and we will do everything in our power to see that you are satisfied. Efficient, dependable service requires far more than just a technician, a tool, and a part. To serve you well calls for a substantial investment of time, money, and equipment. Unlike servicing a vehicle, we must travel to your door which involves truck mileage as well as the technician’s travel time. Here are some of the items which contribute to superior service.
- An experienced customer service representative to receive calls and get the facts.
- A qualified dispatcher to relay calls to the nearest service technician and schedule stops for efficient operation.
- A parts department with a large working inventory of back-up parts to eliminate costly delays in servicing your equipment.
- Trucks with a large working inventory of parts plus expensive tools and test equipment for prompt repairs.
- Trained service technicians to diagnose the problem quickly, make the repairs promptly and keep your costs reasonable.
Our service is guaranteed, and we would appreciate hearing from you if you have any problems.